ELIGIBLITY: B.COM/BBA/B.E-Commerce with 50% marks in aggregate or equivalent examination from GNDU or any other recognized university.

Sr.noSemester ISr.noSemester II
MC-101Managerial economicsMC-201Corporate financial accounting and auditing
MC-102Research methodologyMC-202Financial management
MC-103Management principalsand organization behaviorMC-203Statistical analysis for business
MC-104Business environmentMC-204Marketing management
MC-105Management and cost accountingMC-205Human resource management
MC-107Computer application in business-IMC-207Operation management
Sr.noSemester IIISr.noSemester IV
MC-301Banking & Insurance servicesMC-401International accounting
MC-302SeminarAny two of the following groups,each having two paperMC-402E-commerce
Group AAccounting & financeMC-403  Group A:Viva voiceAny two of the following groups,each having three paperaccounting and finance
MC-311Security analysis & portfilo managementMC-411International financial management
MC-312Contemporary accountingMC-412Financial markets and financial services
Group BBusiness studiesMC-413Corporate tax law &planning
MC-321Strategic managementGroup BBusiness studies
MC-322Security market operationsMC-421Good and services Tax
Group CInternational businessMC-422 Entrepreneurship development & project management
MC-331International economics organisationMC-423Group CBusiness ethics& environment managementInternational business
MC-332Management of international  business operationsMC-431 International financial markets & foreign exchange
Group DmarketingMC-432 International financial management
MC-351Consumer behaviorMC-433International marketing
MC-352Retail managementGroup DMarketing management
  MC-451Advertising & sales management 
  MC-452Brand & distribution management
  MC-453Services marketing
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